Coaching Self-Evaluation Ability-Skill Test
An 80% Business Increase in 8 Weeks: How is that possible?
Dr. Kerry Johnson
Coaching is not for everyone. Only for those who want to quickly hit their goals. We carefully select clients who are ready for a dramatic increase in business. Please take this self-evaluation, rating your skills and ability. A 10 is in perfect agreement with the statement, 1 is in disagreement. This evaluation will help uncover barriers you may have to achieving higher income and a greater level of success.
Coaching Self Evaluation Form
How did you do? Any area below 10 needs work. Any area below 8 is hurting your business and family. Whether you need short term modification or long term change, depends on your score. If you want to improve, you need to start now. If you wait to change, you will hurt your business and your income. Schizophrenia is defined as doing the same things as before and expecting different results.